Sunday, July 7, 2013

New CEU Video Course - Building Trust

Building Trust in the Workplace - Video CEUs

CEU Course Description

This 1 CEU hour video course based on The Thin Book of Trust: An Essential Primer for Building Trust at Work describes a proven framework and language for building, maintaining and, when necessary restoring trust in the workplace and in relationships in general. It is intended for anyone who desires trusting connections. The book has helped thousands of people develop and sustain relationships based on trust.
CEU Course Objectives
1. Learn and enumerate five fundamental principles for building trust that, when practiced, will greatly increase your capacity to build and sustain trust with others at work and in your relationship with others, including peers, managers, employees, customers and others.
2. Learn and demonstrate knowledge of a simple, powerful trust framework that makes it easier to intentionally nurture trust and avoid unintentionally damaging it.
3. Exhibit an understanding of a behavior-based language for trust that allows people to have crucial conversations about repairing, maintaining and increasing it.
4. Demonstrate knowledge of a successful conversation to repair trust with someone who has betrayed your trust yet is someone you need to continue to work and / or relate with effectively.

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